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Showing posts from June, 2020

Faith, Hope and Love

I have been encouraged several times to write a testimonial about all that happened around the birth of our second child Alan, his congenital defect  , surgeries and recovery. However, as Alan continued to struggle despite the best medical intervention, I put off writing a testimonial hoping that when he was a 100% healthy I could write a beautiful testimony with a happy ending; something I felt was essential for an inspiring story. However, that day has still not arrived. So, you must be wondering why you are reading a testimonial from me. To answer that, I will have to start at the very beginning. I was born in Bangalore in the early 80s when Bangalore lived up to it's name "The Garden City". I was the middle of 3 girls and my parents taught us about God and the Bible. I attended Sunday school and had an unwavering faith. We moved to Delhi when I was five. Despite all the challenges my parents faced while we were growing up I was a happy child and wanted for not